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ISO Committee Involvement

Dr Peter Urich Elevates New Zealand’s Climate Strategy on the Global Stage through ISO Committee Involvement

Dr Peter Urich, Managing Director of ClimSystems, is a member of the International Organization for Standardization’s national committee in New Zealand. He is involved explicitly with ISO/TC 207/SC 7, “Greenhouse gas and climate change management and related activities”. These national committees are responsible for reviewing and developing standards to help governments and organisations manage and mitigate GHG emissions, adapt to the effects of climate change, and support sustainability. Dr Peter Urich contributes to a group of physical climate, adaptation and greenhouse gas experts in Aotearoa that advises Standards New Zealand on what is occurring in this very active ISO area. The committee considers how New Zealand should vote on various aspects of international standards review and development as a group. Peter was selected for the ISO National Committee for his adaptation and climate change expertise. He reviews numerous documents and has been a lead author for a new standard, ISO 14093, “Financing local climate adaptation”. In 2024, Peter will be involved in a critical review of ISO 14092, “Adaptation to climate change: Requirements and guidance on adaptation planning for local governments and communities”. 

Understand projected impacts of climate change for your assets – and the opportunities.